Return to a sustainable way of life...
The ultimate beneficiaries of this competition and additional selection will be the consumer and the environment. Optimizing our resources will change the way we live. In 1900, 41% of the natural resources entering the US economy were recycled. Today, that figure is 13% [2]. Meanwhile, the US population has increased 357%. We simply cannot continue on this path.
The ultimate beneficiaries of this competition and additional selection will be the consumer and the environment. Optimizing our resources will change the way we live. In 1900, 41% of the natural resources entering the US economy were recycled. Today, that figure is 13% [2]. Meanwhile, the US population has increased 357%. We simply cannot continue on this path.
One of the best ways to return to a sustainable way of life is to maximize asset use through collaborative consumption market places. By providing economic incentives to maximize efficiency, binding large communities to shared causes and decreasing total consumption, collaborative consumption will become a keystone of a sustainable American society.
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